1/28/2021 2:44:16 PM TTAB Precedent No. 46: No Abandonment of A.W. SHUCKS By Kimberly Maynard In its last precedential decision of 2020, the TTAB tackled abandonment. Its opinion proves timely, especially for the many business...
1/25/2021 12:00:00 AM It’s Time to Pay Up: Valve and Others Fined Millions for EU Antitrust Violations By Saphya Council In what looks like a decision that will upheave Valve’s anti-competitive practices, the European Commission fined Valve and five game...
1/3/2021 3:55:12 PM 1925 Was an Annus Mirabilis for Culture By Brian Murphy Goodbye, 2020, a total annus horribilis, if ever one there was. Hello, 2021, a year in which there is reason to be cautiously optimistic...