11/19/2021 8:25:16 PM Alex Jones' Failure to Produce Documents Leads to Defaults in Sandy Hook Suits By Nicole Bergstrom On Monday, a Connecticut court found Alex Jones liable for defamation in claims brought by the families of eight people killed in the...
11/18/2021 12:00:00 AM NFTs x Entertainment Litigation: Miramax Sues Quentin Tarantino Over Pulp Fiction NFT Drop By Jeremy Goldman Update: On December 9, 2021, Quentin Tarantino answered the complaint, with a scathing introduction that brandishes Miramax as "a shell...
11/12/2021 2:59:05 PM Video Game Law: Can Parents Who Have Not Signed a Subscriber Agreement be Parties to the Arbitration Provision? By Saphya Council Yes, according to the court in Wolfire Games, LLC et al v. Valve Corporation (W.D. Wash. 2021). In that case, a class action of...
11/8/2021 1:33:08 PM Did Country Rap Artist UpChurch Infringe Copyright and Violate VARA When He "Shot to Hell" an Artist's Paintings ... with Bullets? By Brian Murphy Plaintiff Jacob Aaron Leveille is a visual artist who lives in Florida. (You can check out his work on Instagram.) Defendant Ryan Edward...