False Advertising Litigation Alert: Using a Competing Product to Advertise Your Own May Not Be False Advertising
Conventional wisdom would likely conclude that using an image of a competing product to advertise your own runs afoul of false...
Conventional wisdom would likely conclude that using an image of a competing product to advertise your own runs afoul of false...
Is a work that's otherwise protected by copyright suddenly fair game once it's been "meme-ified"? That was the question involving...
Today, the Supreme Court ruled that FUCT and other profane, “scandalous” or “immoral” words may be registered as trademarks.
Since 2011,...
Is the term CAPSULE descriptive of cellphone cases? Based on a recent decision in Uncommon, LLC v. Spigen, Inc., the Seventh...
I can’t be the only U.S. lawyer who tends to tune out when hearing about legal developments in Europe. But I recently zoomed in on...
In its very recent decision in Fourth Estate Pub. Benefit Corp. v. Wall-Street.com, the Supreme Court held that an action for copyright...
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