7/17/2023 1:20:08 PM The Supreme Court Limits the Extraterritorial Reach of the Lanham Act, Overturning a $96 M Award from the Lower Court By Francesca Campione On Thursday, June 29, 2023, the United States Supreme Court delivered a decision in the case Abitron Austria GmbH et al. v. Hetronic...
7/15/2023 9:05:34 PM It's a Barbie World, Burberry Wants In By Molly Rothschild Barbie fever is everywhere. Even at the TTAB. Mattel, Inc., the maker of the famous Barbie toys, brought an opposition in the TTAB...
7/12/2023 7:17:02 PM You're Invited: Frankfurt Kurnit and Women of the Vine & Spirits are Hosting an AI Event By Kimberly Maynard Frankfurt Kurnit is proud to host a Women of the Vine & Spirits Regional Event on Thursday, July 20th, beginning at 4PM ET, at our New...
7/12/2023 3:42:54 PM 3 Developments in the Nation’s Rise in Book Bans By Molly Rothschild We blogged earlier this year about the top banned books of 2022. As we predicted, the spike in book bans across the country—and lawsuits...
7/6/2023 11:53:15 AM Tracy Anderson vs. Megan Roup - Round 2 By Brian Murphy This is an update on the lawsuit between fitness guru Tracy Anderson and her former employee (and current competitor) Megan Roup, which I...