10/30/2019 11:55:30 PM Liebowitz ordered to post a bond; responds by moving to recuse the Judge. By Edward H. Rosenthal I took a bit of time off in writing about Richard Liebowitz, but that doesn't mean that things have been quiet for this prolific filer of...
10/30/2019 6:21:04 PM The Next Wave of ADA Lawsuits: Are Retailers Required to Emboss Their Gift Cards with Braille? By Caren Decter We have previously highlighted the wave of “website accessibility” lawsuits filed under the Americans with Disabilities Act (the “ADA”). ...
10/30/2019 4:16:46 PM Beware! California Wine Company Alleges that Applebee's VAMPIRE Cocktail is Trademark Infringement By Kimberly Maynard On Sunday, just a few days before Halloween, Vampire Family Brands, LLC complained to a California federal court that Applebee’s...
10/23/2019 4:40:49 PM Copyright Small Claims Court Approaching Reality By Craig Whitney Following up our continuing coverage of the pending legislation to create a copyright small claims court, the bill has now been...
10/21/2019 12:00:00 AM How Much Soda Can One Person Drink? By Craig Whitney Is enough ever enough? Apparently not when you're expecting unlimited refills. That's the issue at the heart of a recent false...