5/9/2024 4:01:02 PM Breaking News: The Supreme Court Finds Against 3-Year Limit on Copyright Damages By Nicole Bergstrom Edward H. Rosenthal In a decision issued this morning, the Supreme Court rejected the three-year cap on damages in copyright infringement actions espoused by...
3/4/2023 3:16:35 PM The Curious Case of the Statute of Limitations in Copyright By Nicole Bergstrom In the panoply of difficult legal questions, you'd think "What is the statute of limitations for a copyright infringement claim?" would...
8/27/2021 8:18:14 PM Should a Serial Copyright Infringement Litigant, Represented by a Notorious Copyright Law Firm, Have Discovered Infringement Earlier? By Brian Murphy Photojournalist Theodore Parisienne licensed to the New York Daily News photos he took of a man recklessly risking life and limb to climb...