9/7/2021 1:01:17 PM The Right Tool for the Job: Fifth Circuit Revives “Texas Hammer” Trademark Lawsuit By Benjamin G. Murray In online advertising, it’s commonplace for businesses to purchase competitor trademarks as search engine keywords to get in front of...
8/20/2020 1:54:33 PM If You Coexist, You Need Not Desist (Part Two): TTAB Finds No Inevitable or Likely Confusion for Beer Making Kits and Sanitizing Preparations By Kimberly Maynard In my last post, I discussed the TTAB’s analysis of laches and acquiescence defenses in The Brooklyn Brewery Corporation v. Brooklyn Brew...
1/30/2020 3:01:19 AM Just One Week In Cannabis And Trademarks By Kimberly Maynard While searching for a good topic this week, I noticed a trio of recent lawsuits that provide a good overview of the increased role...