31 Aug, 2023 Second Circuit Rejects Claim That Obscuring Murals Violates VARA By Edward H. Rosenthal In this post from March 2022, I wrote about a case pending in the the Second Circuit that raised the question whether an institution's...
21 Apr, 2022 Dragon Design for Boot Buttons is not a "Work of Visual Art" Covered by VARA, District Court Holds By Brian Murphy Plaintiff Ed Beard, Jr is an artist (and renaissance fair enthusiast) with a speciality for depicting wizards, fairies and dragons. (His...
31 Mar, 2022 Does VARA Prevent an Institution From Obscuring a Visual Work That Some People Find Offensive? By Edward H. Rosenthal What happens if an institution decides to obscure a work of art on the ground that that it is offensive and unworthy of continued...
08 Nov, 2021 Did Country Rap Artist UpChurch Infringe Copyright and Violate VARA When He "Shot to Hell" an Artist's Paintings ... with Bullets? By Brian Murphy Plaintiff Jacob Aaron Leveille is a visual artist who lives in Florida. (You can check out his work on Instagram.) Defendant Ryan Edward...
01 May, 2020 Brooklyn Collective Buys Damien Hirst "Spot" Work, and Then Cuts Out and Sells the 88 Spots at a Profit! By Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz What happens when someone buys a work from a famous artist, cuts it up and then sells the constituent parts (as well as what remains of...