2/3/2025 6:44:58 PM Key Insights on Copyright and AI from the U.S. Copyright Office’s 2025 Report By Zach Lewis For years now, the intersection of artificial intelligence and copyright law has been the center of attention for artists, creators,...
6/28/2023 6:47:22 PM Repeat Copyright Plaintiff's Infringement Claim Dismissed on Statute of Limitations Grounds By Nicole Bergstrom If you spend any time keeping track of new copyright infringement filings (Am I the only one?), you'll start to notice the same names pop...
6/28/2023 3:52:20 PM A Once and Future Thing: Legal Considerations for Artificial Intelligence & Video Games By Emma Smizer Introduction Artificial intelligence and all its many iterations, such as neural networks and machine learning, are not new to video...
3/4/2023 3:16:35 PM The Curious Case of the Statute of Limitations in Copyright By Nicole Bergstrom In the panoply of difficult legal questions, you'd think "What is the statute of limitations for a copyright infringement claim?" would...
11/22/2022 7:55:28 PM Hold On, We’re Going…Vogue…Or Not By Khasim Lockhart Intro. Do you have a music album on the way? Have you come up with a plan to promote said album? Perhaps you considered releasing a...
9/28/2021 2:44:54 PM Third Circuit Finds No Section 230 Immunity From State Right of Publicity Claims By Nicole Bergstrom In a split from the Ninth Circuit, the Third Circuit ruled recently in Hepp v. Facebook, Inc., that Section 230 of the Communications...
9/23/2021 6:04:21 PM Call Out My Copyright: The Weeknd Sued for Alleged Infringement on Hit Track By Elizabeth Tuttle Newman Last week, Los Angeles-based composer/producers Suniel Fox and Shyhi Henry Hsiaio (p/k/a Henry Strange) sued R&B artist The Weeknd (aka...
8/23/2021 1:03:08 PM Oh, the Places the Dr. Seuss v. ComicMix Case Will Go! District Court sends mashup case to trial. By Jeremy Goldman This is an update to Dr. Seuss’s copyright infringement case against would-be Dr. Seuss/Star Trek mashup publisher ComicMix. As reported...
7/26/2021 6:58:15 PM Pretty Please?** By Vish Mohan Dua Lipa is the latest celebrity involved in the slew of copyright infringement lawsuits related to unauthorized Instagram postings by...
7/9/2021 4:14:58 PM It’s My Party And I’ll Sue You If I Want To: The Reagan Foundation Sues Over Use Of Marks On Trump-Supporting Website By Glenda Dieuveille Over the last year, journalists have written about the Republican party’s “identity crisis”—should Republicans walk away from Donald...
4/24/2021 12:00:00 AM Aku, the first NFT optioned for the big screen, offers a glimpse into the future of IP and entertainment By Jeremy Goldman On April 16, 2021, The Hollywood Reporter announced that “Aku,” a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) art project and character created by former...
3/15/2021 1:17:48 AM Implied Copyright Licenses in the Digital World: Blogs, RSS Feeds, and Aggregators By Brian Murphy Plaintiff MidlevelU operates a website for midlevel healthcare providers (e.g., nurse practitioners and physician assistants) that...
12/20/2020 9:40:21 PM Dr. Seuss/Star Trek Mash-Up Not Fair Use, Ninth Circuit Rules By Jeremy Goldman Oh, the Places You’ll Boldly Go! Or not. On December 18, 2020, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit held that an unpublished...
11/5/2020 11:53:20 PM Anita White Strikes Back With Second Trademark Suit By Matthew Samet In July 2020, after country music group Lady Antebellum changed its moniker to “Lady A”, Lady Antebellum filed a trademark lawsuit in the...
8/27/2020 12:00:00 AM Word To Politicians: "Please [Do] Stop The Music" By Mma Afoaku 1932: "Happy Days Are Here Again" - Franklin Roosevelt (first presidential candidate to use a pre-existing popular song for a campaign)...
8/3/2020 1:04:30 PM I See Me, I Sue You: Jordan Jumps at Card Cameos By Mma Afoaku Before the NBA season resumed down in Florida, basketball fans received a big dose of nostalgia with the 10 part airing of the...