3/15/2023 8:16:02 PM Agent of "Notorious RBG" Photographer Lacks Statutory Copyright Standing By Amanda Barkin The late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a/k/a the “Notorious RBG,” died in September 2020. But, what can only be described...
3/27/2020 1:21:26 PM Court schools overzealous copyright licensor, holding that high school choir arrangement was fair use and awarding choir defendants their attorney’s fees By Jeremy Goldman On March 24, 2020, the Ninth Circuit issued an opinion shredding an infringement claim that a copyright holder brought against a high...
12/10/2019 12:00:00 AM Pigs May Not Be Flying, But the Federal Circuit Denies Petition to Cancel Trade Dress Registration for Goats on a Roof By Kimberly Maynard On Monday, the Federal Circuit affirmed a decision by the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board refusing to cancel Al Johnson’s Swedish...