1/31/2022 2:03:10 PM When Copying Isn't Infringement: Filtering Out Facts By Brian Murphy Another day, another copyright lawsuit involving car advertising. Last week's case - our first nominee for "Silliest Copyright Case of...
6/20/2021 8:39:47 PM Can a Brand Use Ice Cube's "Signature Catchphrase" in a Newsletter Without Permission? By Brian Murphy O’Shea Jackson, better known as Ice Cube, is a man of many talents: rapper, actor, director, entrepreneur, and social activist, to name...
6/13/2021 4:07:07 PM Posting Pap's Pic on Instagram Not a Fair Use By Brian Murphy Plaintiff Jawad Elatab is described in his complaint as "a professional photographer in the business of licensing his photographs to...
3/15/2021 1:17:48 AM Implied Copyright Licenses in the Digital World: Blogs, RSS Feeds, and Aggregators By Brian Murphy Plaintiff MidlevelU operates a website for midlevel healthcare providers (e.g., nurse practitioners and physician assistants) that...
3/13/2021 3:26:14 PM Photographer's Claim that Pinterest is a Contributory Infringer Fails By Brian Murphy It is fair to say that photographer and digital artist Harold Davis is no fan of Pinterest, the image sharing social media platform...
8/27/2020 12:00:00 AM Word To Politicians: "Please [Do] Stop The Music" By Mma Afoaku 1932: "Happy Days Are Here Again" - Franklin Roosevelt (first presidential candidate to use a pre-existing popular song for a campaign)...